Boumediene BENYAHIA

Boumediene BENYAHIA

"Modélisation et observation des bioprocédés à membranes : application à la digestion anaérobie" Defensed on the 18/10/2012 in Tlemcen

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Research activities

Anaerobic digestion coupled to Membrane BioReactor (MBR) is very attractive to treat wastewaters which can be reused in agriculture and industry. However, membrane fouling limits the development of these bioprocesses (MBR). The scientific work of B. Benyahia deals with the development of new mathematical models for MBR to optimize its functioning. In particular, he modified the two step model of the anaerobic digestion called AM2 (cf. Bernard et al., 2001), to integrate a new variable (i.e. the SMP – Soluble Microbial Products) which are known to play an important role in the membrane fouling phenomenon. In the framework of his PhD thesis, B. Benyahia first analyzed the AM2 model (its equilibria and their stability). Then, he developed a new model named AM2b, and characterized its qualitative behavior further to the introduction of the new variable. Finally, proposed the design of a number of observers for this new model.


  • B. Benyahia, T. Sari, B. Cherki, J. Harmand, « Anaerobic membrane bioReactor modeling in the presence of Soluble Microbial Products (SMP) – the Anaerobic Model AM2b», Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol 228 (2013) 1011-1022.
  • B. Benyahia, T. Sari, B. Cherki, J. Harmand, Bifurcation and stability analysis of a two step model for monitoring  anaerobic digestion  processes, (2012), Journal of Process Control, Vol. 22, pp 1008-1019.
  • B. Benyahia, T. Sari, B. Cherki, J. Harmand, Quelques résultats sur l’observation du modèle AM2b, CARI’2012, 13-16 octobre 2012, Alger, Algérie.
  • B. Benyahia, F. Campillo, B. Cherki, J. Harmand, Particle filtering for bioprocesses, MED12, 3-6 juillet 2012, Barcelone, Espagne.
  • B. Benyahia, T. Sari, J. Harmand, B. Cherki, Modeling of the Soluble Microbial Products (SMP) in Anaerobic Membrane BioReactors (AMBR): Equilibria and stability of the AM2b model, 18th World Congress of IFAC, 28 Août-02 Septembre 2011, Milan, Italie.
  • B. Benyahia, T. Sari, B. Cherki, J. Harmand, Modélisation mathématique d’un bioréacteur membranaire anaérobie, TAMTAM, 23-26 Avril 2011, Hammamet, Tunisie.
  • B. Benyahia, T. Sari, B. Cherki, J. Harmand, Sur le modèle AMOCO de digestion anaérobie, CARI’10, 18-21 Octobre 2010, Yamoussoukrou, Côte d’Ivoire.
  • B. Benyahia, T. Sari, B. Cherki, J. Harmand, Equilibria of an anaerobic wastewater treatment process and their stability, CAB’10, 7-9 Juillet 2010, Leuven, Belgique.
  • B. Benyahia, A. Choukchou Braham, B. Cherki, Robust control of an uncertain physical process, Publication internationale dans American Institute of Physics (AIP), pp 74-79, Juillet 2008.
  • M. Dumont, A. Rapaport, J. Harmand, B. Benyahia, J-J. Godon, Observers for Microbial Ecology – How Including Molecular Data into Bioprocess Modeling?, MED’08, June 25-27, 2008, Congress Centre, Ajaccio, Corsica, France.
  • B. Benyahia, A. Choukchou Braham, B. Cherki, Commande H par loopshaping pour une régulation de débit, CGE’05, 16-17 Avril 2007, École Militaire Polytechnique, Alger, Algérie.