Optimization and prediction of algal production in outdoor polycultures: experimental approaches and mathematical modeling Ongoing PhD

Research activities

The use of microalgae diversity is a promising way for the bioremediation of wastewater and the production of biomass of industrial interest. In outdoor pond cultures, the combined influence of multiple variables and stresses, such as  light, nutrient availability, temperature or competition between species… make the prediction and the optimization of the production more difficult.

The thesis objective is to develop  mathematical models based on dynamic systems, which can be confronted with experiments in laboratory and pilot scale. The work will be organized in three important steps:

1.        Identification of models on experimental measurements (strains cultivated in the laboratory (individually and in assembly) using different forms of nitrogen),

2.         Modeling and numerical simulation of ode models to answer theoretical ecological questions (synergy, facilitation ..) and comparing model results with the experimental data obtained in outdoor pool cultures,

3.         Control and optimization: by developing some laws of control (choice of specific operating conditions, bioaugmentation) to be tested in the laboratory or on outdoor pool.


UMR MISTEA, Montpellier, France
