"Réduction de modèles de procédés biotechnologiques : Applications à l'ADM1" PhD defensed on the 17/12/2015 in Tlemcen

Research activities

  • Reduction of the ADM1

In the first part, a mathematical method named homotopy is applied to anaerobic digestion model N° 1 ADM1, cf. (Batstone et al., 2002), which is a complex model describing the anaerobic digestion. The method neglect the slow dynamics keeping only the fast ones using the technique of eigenvalue-state association. In the second part, the balanced realization using the gramians is used to reduce the ADM1.

  • Introduction of the hydrolysis step to the AM2

We introduce the hydrolysis step to the AM2, which is considered as an important phase of the anaerobic digestion process. Furthermore, we consider the ammonium and its contribution to the alkalinity of the solution, while preserving the simplicity of the model. Thus, we obtain a new model named AM2HN.

  • Comparison between the ADM1 and the AMOCO

Based on the object-oriented modeling and the simulation tools, a comparison is made between the ADM1 and the AMOCO, in order to evaluate the performances of the AMOCO as a control design tool. A new version of the AMOCO is developed, taking into account the dynamics of the inorganic ammonium concentrations.


  • Hassam, S., E. Ficara, A. Leva, J. Harmand (2015), A generic and systematic procedure to derive a simplified model from the Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1 (ADM1), Biochemical Engineering Journal.
  • SIAM Conference on Control and its application (CT11), July 25-27, 2011, Baltimore, Maryland, USA; Titre : Towards a systematic approach to reduce complex bioprocess models for control design – Application to the Anaerobic Digestion Models No.1 (ADM1). Auteurs: S. Hassam, B. Cherki, E. Ficara, J. Harmand.
  • MATHMOD VIENNA 2012, 7th Vienna Conference on Mathematical Modeling, February 14-17, 2012. Minisymposium Object-Oriented Modelling: New Challenges. Titre : Anaerobic Digestion Models: A comparative Study. Auteurs : E. Ficara, S. Hassam, A. Allegrini, A. Leva, F. Malpei
  • Participation à l’école-symposium « Réductions de systèmes différentiels et application-RSDA 2012 » à Sidi Bel Abbès – Algérie du 18 au 22 Mars 2012. Présentation Poster.
  • MED 2012, 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, July 3-6, 2012, Barcelona, Spain (Invited session). Titre : Towards a systematic approach to reduce complex bioprocess models – Application to the Anaerobic Digestion Models No.1 (ADM1). Auteurs: S. Hassam, B. Cherki, E. Ficara, J. Harmand.
  • 13th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion. June 25-28, 2013. Santiago de Compostela, Spain. poster Présentation. Titre :  Modified AM2 with the hydrolysis step and the ammonium consideration. Auteurs: S. Hassam, A. Allegrini, E. Ficara, B. Cherki and J. Harmand.