Yessmine DAOUD

Yessmine DAOUD

"Analysis of anaerobic digestion models – Application to the modelling and control of bioreactors" Ongoing PhD

Research activities

The anaerobic digestion is a natural process in which organic material is converted into biogas in an environment without oxygen by the action of a microbial ecosystem. It is used for the treatment of waste or wastewater and has the advantage of producing methane and / or hydrogen. Anaerobic digestion is a four step process including hydrolysis, acidogenesis, acetogenesis, and methanogenesis. We focus on the mathematical analysis of anaerobic digestion models  with 4 steps:

  • First, we analyze the proposed models, with and without inhibition and determine the number and nature of their equilibria and their stability properties. 
  • Then we compare the rate of hydrogen and methane produced at the equilibrium points.
  • The aim is to construct an optimal control law to maximize biogas rate product.
  • We’ll also be studying other anaerobic digestion models by taking into account the inhibitions in the functions of growth and adding the terms of mortality.


  • 7ème colloque sur les Tendances des Applications en  Mathématiques  Tunisie Algérie Maroc, Tanger 04-08 Mai 2015 Maroc. Titre: Analyse mathématiques de modèles de digestion anaérobie avec phase d’hydrolyse.  Auteurs: Y. DAOUD,  N. ABDELLATIF ,  J. HARMAND.